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英文演讲稿 The Person I Miss Most(精选多篇)

时间:2024-02-11 18:19:36
英文演讲稿 The Person I Miss Most(精选多篇)[本文共55字]

第一篇:英文演讲稿 The Person I mIss Most

The PersonImIssMost







第二篇:The Person I admIre Most

good mornIng everyone!today,I'd love to share some InformatIon wIth you about The Person I admIre Most

If someone asked me, “do you admIre Most people?” I wIll not hesItate to say: The Person I admIre Most Is my teacher.why do I say that The Person I admIre Most Is my teacher?.she Is a kInd and strIct teacher.she let us become an honest and good Person.

everyday,The students always noIsy,but you educate patIently to us. when someone does well,you always gIve hIm praIse and encouragement.

when I am lazy,you always crItIcIzes me.you tell me many storIes about famous Persons. through storIes,I realIze I must study hard.or I wIll fall behInd oThers.when you sees thIs,she smIles and I smIle,too.when I make progress,you praIses me and hope I wIll make greater progress. wIth her help,I study best In my class and I became much Interested In englIsh. when I graduated from unIversIty,I also become an englIsh teacher,I want to try my best to teach my students well.

do you admIre hIm?admIre It or not,I admIre hIm anyway.

第三篇:The Person I respect Most(初中英语作文)

The Person I respect Most

I met a lot of people In past thIrteen years, such as my parents, my teachers and my frIends. but In thIs artIcle, I want to talk about a Person who Is neITher my parents nor my frIends. he Is only an old man. although I even do not know hIs name, he Is stIll a Person I respect Most .

It was a noon and It raIned hard. after fInIshIng The extra englIsh class, I was so tIred because The class lasted about three hours. unluckIly, I needed to go home In a long dIstance. on The way home .I revIewed The Important grammar around words that were taught by my englIsh teacher .suddenly I heard a bIg noIse that was from my bIcycle. I knew what happened. I couldn’t help thInkIng today must be my unlucky day. and Then I trIed to fInd someone who could help me. but There was nobody on The cold wIndy day except me. at that tIme , an aged voIce got Into my ears “can I help you, my boy?” I looked around and saw an old man behInd me, w(请你收藏好 范 文,请便下次访问WwW.)ho was dIrty and was In cugs(是否敲错). I guessed he mIght be a beggar who pretended to help me, but hIs real aIm was to ask me some money. so I saId “go away. I have no money.”after hearIng that, not only was he angry , but he burst Into laugh. he saId “I really want to help you.”suddenly, my face turned red. a few mInutes later, he fIxed my bIcycle up. I checked It carefully and I couldn’t belIeve that It was lIke a new one. when I looked up and wanted to say thanks to hIm, he had already gone. a lot of tears dropped from my eyes.

thIs Is The whole thIng between hIm and me. despIte It has already fInIshed for a long tIme, I stIll regret my behavIor. I shouldn’t judge Person wIth hIs appearance. he showed hIs love to me. he Is The Person I respect Most. I want to say There Is a lot of love In The world .now I thInk If someone Is In trouble, I wIll help hIm at once. ok, let me pass on The love from now on !

第四篇:The Person I respect

The Person I respect

good mornIng, everyone. I am so happy to stand here to gIve you a speech. The topIc of my speech Is The Person I respect.

tell you The truth, I respect many people: my faTher, my moTher, even my sIster, but The Person I respect Most Is my chInese teacher: mIss zhang. I respect her because she Is The kIndest teacher I have met. she always encourages me when I meet a dIffIculty. once I had a problem, she gave me a smIle and saId: “don’t gIve up. I belIeve that you can do It well.” she always gIves me some helpful suggestIons. I have learnt a lot of thIngs from her, I have learnt that we shouldn’t gIve up when we meet dIffIcultIes. through mIss zhang’s smIle , I saw The kIndness from her even The truth of lIfe.

I love mIss zhang, I respect mIss zhang.thank you for your lIstenIng.

第五篇:The Person I admIre

我最钦佩的人(The Person I admIre)

The Person I admIre Is my mum. she Is an englIsh teacher. she Is very popular among The students because she spends lots of tIme on her lessons and has a good sense of humor. students all enjoy her class.

my mum Is not only a good teacher, but also a great moTher. she Is patIent wIth me and always smIlIng whIle talkIng. my mum teaches me how to thInk Independently and helps me to buIld up my confIdence. when I have some dIffIcultIes In my studIes, It Is my mum who encourages me to work untIl I solve The problem. when I’m feelIng sad or bad, It Is also my mum who looks after me wIth care.

I remember when I caught a fever at mIdnIght last year, my mum took me to The hospItal as fast as she could. when we got home after my InjectIon, It was about 5 o’clock In The early mornIng. my mum only slept 2 hours because she had to wake up at 7 o'clock to prepare breakfast for me, and Then she went to work. she must be very tIred that day.

my mum Is not very beautIful, but I admIre and love her


my sIster Is older 3 years than me,she Is very kIndness to treat everyone lIke treat baby self carefully,especIal for me,I thInk she Is very helpful to my lIfe,she ofter tells me that how to lIfe more

well,and how to treat around frIends lIke baby self and so on,she Is also very beautIful,even more than famous lady In my heart, so I very love my sIster,now I and my sIster Is lIve In dIfferent cIty,so I ofter mIss her,but tomorrow I can see my sIster because she wIll go to my apartment to see me from my hometown.

I am very excItIng for It wIll come to moment.I expect tomorrow Is arrIve very quIckly。

《英文演讲稿 The Person I Miss Most(精选多篇)[本文共55字].doc》
