dear ------(who),we are very honored to receive your invitation to call on your company on wednesday afternoon, september 1st, 2014. please accept our sincere thanks.during the visit, we had a preliminary and necessary communication on the basic items and related information of mutual cooperation . we now have a better understanding of your needs and will soon submit another proposal for your approval.we expect to have it ready by _________ again, thank you for the pleasant visit.yours sincerely,-----------(name)-----------(title)
dear ------,
we are very honored to receive your invitation to call on your
company on wednesday afternoon, september 1st, 2014. please accept our sincere thanks.
during the visit, we had a preliminary and necessary
communication on the basic items and related information of
mutual cooperation . we now have a better understanding of your needs and will soon submit another proposal for your approval. we expect to have it ready by _________
again, thank you for the pleasant visit.
yours sincerely,
-----------(名字) -----------(头衔
一元复始,万象更新。刚刚过去的2014年,是寮步镇“十一五”规划的开局之年,也是寮步落实科学发展观、加快推进经济社会双转型的一年。这一年,经济建设高速增长,全镇gdp73.3亿元,工业总产值251.43亿元,实际利用外资1.62亿美元,出口总额22.4亿美元,各项税收9.56亿元,汽车销售52亿元,财政收入4.08亿元,均比上年有20%以上增幅。it产业不断做强做大,被中国电子商会授予“中国电子信息产业名镇”称号。城市建设有了新的突破,市民广场、东方商业街、佛岭公园一期相继建成,香市路东段通车,汽车东站二期建成使用,三正世纪豪门、世纪城中央公馆等一批房地产项目的成功开发,悦莱五星级酒店竣工,镇的新中心区初见端倪。商业载体建设步伐加快,汽车城第二期工程和百业汽配城的建设基本完成,完成了市民广场周边商业街的改造升级,并引进了知名商业品牌。随着富邦商场、嘉荣广场、景泰香都购物城的开业,加快了商气聚集,提升了老城区的商业档次和品位。民营企业的创新能力日益增强,永强汽车制造公司已被认定为“省级企业技术中心”, 1
a thanks letter
dear mother and father:
it's one of my works to write a thanks letter to the person whom i most want to say "thanks" to.when i heard my english teacher said this ,i thought of you at the first time.
thank you ,thank you for you have cared for and loved me for so many years;thank you ,thank you warned me when i was arrogant and gave me encouragement when i was frustrated ;thank you ,you have been serving me quietly without expecting any return .......your love for me is so selfless !
my dear mom, i can still remember the moment that you told me on the phone that you had been diagnosed with cancer .at that moment ,my whole body was shocked i was totally shocked ,and i didn't know what to say. tears of sadness poured when i studied up in the classroom and it blurred my eyes. later ,dad told me that you had had the operation did. how could you didn't tell me about your situation?to know that you almost couldn't wake up while doing the operation .it's all my fault.your son want to be filial to you all the time ,however, i didn't know your situation .great thanks to my god.your early cancer got timely treatment.let me still have chances to love you.
to my dad,first of all,i must say i am sorry.your son was not sensible in childhood so that he didn't like you .before the high school ,i always thought you too incompetent , having even no desire to change ,which made mom suffered too much.every time when i saw you quarreled with mom i would help mom curse you without
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listening to mother's advice .later on i understood that you actually didn't want to act like that and loved me deeply .i began to discover your bitterness and helplessness in life .heavy burden of life drived you and mother became more and more haggard.your hairs became white one by one .thank you !thank you for giving me and brother so much .even if you have been already more than fifty years old ,you are still working hard and serving us silently.
thank you ,my most beloved father and mother .you will be handsome and beautiful forever. living in a different place ,i willlook after myself well.and i hope you take good care of yourselves,too!
your dear son ,xujun
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